What you’ll get from your Cycle Analysis:
- Predict and confirm your ovulation
- Time intercourse appropriately to get pregnant
- View your LH peak and BBT in relation to each other
- Identify your ovulation pattern to optimize LH tracking
What you’ll get from your Cycle Comparison:
- Comparison of all the phases of your menstrual cycle
We’ll help identify problem areas such as a short luteal phase or irregular cycles
- How you timed intercourse in relation to ovulation
We’ll ensure you are optimizing your chances of conceiving
- Cycle pattern identification
We’ve categorized all of your LH peaks to ensure you are utilizing your ovulation tests effectively and make suggestions if you aren’t
- Grouped symptoms, moods, and cervical changes to help you identify patterns near your ovulation or menses and identify recurrent issues or regular patterns
To help you track your fertility and be able to better understand your body as your hormones shift through your cycles