Premom will identify the highest T/C ratio as your LH peak. Since each woman’s highest T/C ratio is different, it will take at least one cycle for the app to learn about your normal highest T/C ratio.
Premom keeps calculating and shows you the three tiers of LH levels in each of your cycles: Low, High, and Peak. Peak means your LH level has reached its peak, and you are about to ovulate within 24-36 hours, which is your most fertile window. Low means your LH level is not elevated yet. High means your LH is elevated but not yet at peak. “High” is an advanced notification that the LH Peak is coming soon so that you don’t miss it. Usually, it is recommended to start having intercourse when you have High and continue till it reaches Peak and drops to Low again, so you cover all the chances.
Because hormonal patterns vary from person to person – and can even vary cycle-to-cycle for each individual – the same ratio doesn’t necessarily indicate the same level for each cycle. The peak may show up as a different ratio value for different cycles. Premom keeps learning your hormonal patterns and reads your results accurately.
If in some cycles you find LH peak more than once, don’t be surprised. That means Premom has detected an even higher ratio than what has previously been detected, and it updates its reading. It is possible that you do not get the LH peak label automatically if the overall LH level is low (not reaching 0.8), in which case, you can manually mark the highest ratio in that cycle as Peak by swiping left on the test. The more cycles of records Premom takes, the more accurate the readings will be.