Ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are effective at detecting your LH surge which indicates your fertile window each month.
These at-home tests measure the level of luteinizing hormone, or LH, in your urine. Using ovulation tests can help predict ovulation before it happens so you can time intercourse efficiently to have sperm waiting to meet the recently released egg. The best days to have intercourse to maximize your chances of pregnancy are the 2 days leading up to ovulation and ovulation day.
In addition to using OPKs, tracking basal body temperature (BBT), checking your cervical mucus, and monitoring for other ovulation symptoms can also help you identify your fertile window with accuracy.
Premom developed the money-back guarantee program to give individuals the ability to try and conceive without having the burden of cost to conceive being in their minds. We have faith in you, and so will you. Most likely you will just need a few cycles commitment. And this commitment is so simple: just keep ovulation testing for 5+ days per cycle for a few cycles!
Your commitment is key! The more commitment, the sooner you will see the magic happen.